Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dark Sabbath

It was a dark sabbath for the followers of Jesus!

Jesus spent the Saturday resting in the tomb and it may had been the time of transformation. The pain was over for Him but for his followers the pain was great. How could this have happened?

They had believed that Jesus was the promised one and now what? But there was one clue for them that it was not quite over. Jesus had sung the first line of a favorite psalm of victory that begins "My God, my God, why have your forsaken me?" What we know as psalm 22 starts in pain but ends in a great victory. Was Jesus telling them that in this death was his victory?

How many of the doubted it and how many held out the hope? How often do we doubt in the midst of despair? For the followers of Jesus it was a dark Sabbath of despair and doubt - and I am sure of some true hope as they remembered his teachings.

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