Christmas items are showing up in
the stores so we will soon celebrate “All Saints Day” and society will make
more of “All Hollows Eve” also known as
Halloween. The saints of the
first-century were men and women of flesh and blood, the same as you and I.
They are people who had work to do day in and day out, but who also had a first
hand interest in the Church, and worship of God.
Please consider the men we call
saints who's names are on the books of the New Testament:
1. Matthew
earned his living collecting taxes, the IRS
auditor of his day.
2. Mark
was a private secretary.
3. Luke
was a physician.
4. John,
James, and Peter were engage in the fish industry.
5. Paul
was a tent maker.
6. Timothy
and Titus were expert organizers.
7. Jude
was a small landowner.
8. Philemon
was a possessor of an enviable list of diversified securities.
It was lay men and women, not
angels, who had surrendered their lives to Jesus, who built the Church. It is still lay men and women, who having
surrendered their lives to Jesus, continue to build the Church and change the
world. It is your faith in action in your daily life, committed to Christ that
will make the difference in this world. As you plan for all of the sacred days
coming up at the last part of the year with All Saints Day, Thanksgiving,
Advent and Christmas to keep it spiritual.
Remember the people of the New
Testament as you think about your role in the life and work of the Church. You
are also an EVERYDAY SAINT.