Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pictures of My New Garden and Fountain

Here is the picture I promised of my new Raised Garden and fauntain.
Now I can EnjoyBig Grin

Friday, April 9, 2010

Project Completed

I spent a good part of today finishing up a project for my darling, a two level raised garden bed. In the center of the top level will be a solar powered watter fountain. It is more of a terracotta water fall actually with one bowl pouring into another and then another and another.
Big Grin
I am so glad it is done.Bouncy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Really Bad Play

We went to see a play called “The Cherry Sisters” tonight and left in the middle of it because it was so bad.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Has Sprung At Last

I think that Spring has really come at last at least I hope so because I have cleaned up the fireplace for the Summer season. I am also building a two level raised garden bed for may darling. There are all kinds of green things coming up in our yard some wanted and some not. Along with the grass which must be mowed are wild Violets and dandelions that are lovely and editable.
Big GrinWelcome
I love Spring for it has a gentle quality and is the essence of simplicity. IT feels fresh, honest and gives me a lot of joy. I always thank God for spring time in my back yard.