For a long time I have been following the political
arguments about Federal Entitlements pro and con. It is not an easy problem to
deal with and the political rhetoric is not helping. There is a difference
between welfare like food stamps in the farm subsidies and entitlements like
Social Security and Medicare.
Welfare comes in many forms and is an out and out give away
for a variety of reasons. One is to help the poor and the other is to promote a
segment of the business world like farming, energy, transportation, and others.
Our federal government gives away a lot of money in the altruistic endeavors.
Entitlements like Social Security and Medicare are a form of
insurance that people pay into through out their working lives and are thus entitled
to the benefit payments when they qualify. In the beginning the Social Security
trust fund was a separate thing from the Federal budget. It was supposed to be
invested and draw good interest for an ever growing fund to support citizens
when they retire. Then politicians noticed this giant fund sitting all alone
and moved into the budget to show a balance that wasn’t there. Bad idea!
It was also an easy way to sell Treasury Bills and all of
the Trust fund is invested in T’ Bills supporting our national debt. Everyone
knew that when the baby boomers start retiring that one day we would have to
start paying off some of those T bills and the day has come. Soon more people
will be leaving the work force than entering it. That should solve the
unemployment problem except for the fact that many baby boomers are relying on
Social Security for their retirement and need to work part time to make
ends meet. I get almost $1,200 a month
from SS and that would not be enough. Thank God for my pension and investments.
Added to this problem is that politicians found that
increasing the benefit to retired people with the cost of living increases
[COLA] was a way to curry favor from voters.
It worked but it wasn’t paid for. Well not entirely paid for but we did
have an increase in our payroll deductions. As a minister I filed
Self-employment Taxes and had to pay in the 15.3 percent of my wages to SS and
Medicare. That was a lot of money for me to pay quarterly and there were no
deductions that would lower it.
Now there are some politicians who are using the word
entitlements as bad thing and are trying to get rid of them. While something
needs to be done about the cost to the federal budget cutting off a lot of
retirees who depend on this paid for insurance benefit is not fair. To do
nothing about this problem will also not be fair for the whole thing will
collapse. This is one of the most difficult questions facing our country and we
need to work together to solve it. Sadly
it looks like co-operation in Washington
is not going to happen any time soon.