I wonder if I will ever witness good politics. That assumes
that it is possible to have good politics and perhaps that is very debatable.
The main problem in having good politics is that once elected people become
self-interested in re-election and later to be employed as a lobbyist or
government agency. As the mayor of a small city I can feel the allure of power
and wanting to be in control. A politician is a person who has the power to
make his or her preferences law and there fore mandatory for others.
In our hi-tech society it may be unlikely that state or
federal government can operate on an ethical basis. There are always special
interest groups that desire consideration for their position and are willing to
pay for it. Ethics may state that one holding office can not accept money for
supporting that special interest but there are always ways around. Sometimes
there are irreconcilable differences between special interest groups that get
sorted out on the side lines out of public sight.
Money talks and a lot of money shouts. Politicians seeking
re-election listen to the shouting. We the people need to pay close attention
to the shouting and make our voices heard above the din. That is not an easy
thing to do but it is the price for good politics.
Your whole premise is about politicians SEEKING RE-ELECTION. Wouldn't term limits go a long way to fixing that?
It is not my whole premise but a good part of it and yes term limits would help. Serving in Government should be a public service not a job.