Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Words

We can all see the sights and sounds of Christmas all around us. We can also speak the words of Christmas, words that carry power and feeling. Most of us are most comfortable with the Familiar words like family, friends, fellowship, feasting, trees, lights, surprise and memories. There are also Bible words like love one another, love our neighbor, love the stranger, love our enemies, and love the Lord with all your heart. These all come from the love God shared with us on that first Christmas. Then there are the Season's words like peace, service, sharing, gifts, fairness, honesty, greetings, and have a happy. These are words that flow like a gentle stream from Thanksgiving through New Years. At last there is the Supreme word: Christ, without whom there would be no Christmas. Preachers always want to remind us to keep the Christ in Christmas and I am no different. When every you are speaking the words of Christmas remember that one supreme word that gives us all the rest.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Near Death Conditions

Something went very wrong and my daughter's kidneys shut down. Her son found her when she was mere hours from death and called 911. The hospital was able to treat her in time to save her life but more theraphy was needed and she is still in the hospital recovering. I am also recovering from hearing that from her doctor. I realized at that moment that I really do not wish to out live my daughters and I plan to live a long time.

The thing is that any of us can be in near death conditions without any warrning. Accidents, sickness, in the line of fire from an angry person with a gun can all create conditions that can bring an end to our presence on this earth. Though most of us do not want to think about it all of us need to be ready for that eventuality. All of us will die at some point no matter what we wish otherwise.

Every adlt needs a proper will that get updated from time to time. Every five years is a good time to review you will. If you don't have a will the state will provide one for you and it may not be to your liking. We also need a living will stating what we want done medically in the event that we ca not speak for our selves. Having a statement of our desire for what we want done with our body after death is also important, it is a kindness to our close relatives to do so.

Take some time to think about these things!