Friedrich Nietzeche wrote, “Let us stop thinking so much
about punishing, criticizing, and improving others. Instead, let us rather
raise ourselves that much higher. Let us color our own example with ever more
For the next six months we are in for a lot of political
punishing criticizing from both Republicans and Democrats. Both sides will
spend millions on ads telling us how bad the other side will be if elected. It
really won’t make any difference as both parties are so corrupt that they are
bought and paid for and often by the same people.
Where are the statesmen who can lead by positive example and
provide our country with vision and pride? All we seem to have now are
politicians who seek only reelection term after term. I think it is our own
fault as we keep reelecting them to office all the while wondering why the
other states keep voting for their crooked politicians.
I am praying for America .