Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ice Storm
It may be 8 to 10 days before I can do a new post.
Pastor Larry
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snow and Ice Today
Monday, January 26, 2009
One of the most important of our “Special Day Offerings” is the “Week of Compassion” which is called “One Great Hour of Sharing” in some churches. This money goes to support Church World Service, a special out reach arm of the whole church. Storms, war, famine, or other natural disasters will find Church World Service involved in the relief effort and often the first to respond.
Church World Service works through local churches to be the focus of the relief effort. If a major disaster happened in here
Compassion what a wonderful word. What a wonderful feeling to be filled with compassion and really feel like you are doing some good in the world. Jesus said to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick and help the oppressed and Week of Compassion does just that all over the world. Give from the heart when your congregation has this special day offering so that the church can do the work of the heart.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
This is such an interesting concept for me as I feel that way every time my darling wife comes home from work. I rejoice at the love that just walked through the door and lit up our home.
I wonder if God loves us so much that He can't be still? Is that why he sent Jesus to demonstrate God's love to the world? Is there a party in heaven when a sinner turns to God? That is what Jesus said.
Perhaps we can show our excitement for the love of God in our lives by loving others and giving a smile, a kind word, a worm hug, a helping hand or even a twirl or two. Rejoice for the Lord of the Dance loves us.