Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Trappings

I love Christmas along with all its trappings. It is a time for families to gather and celebrate the birth of a child that was more than an infant in a manger. My favorite part of our Christmas celebration is the Christmas Eve service and then my darling and I go home and enjoy our unique Christmas traditions.

Soon and all too soon the trappings of Christmas will be put away for another year. and nothing will be quite as bright and colorful. Yet the memories of this Christmas will linger in our minds and hearts. The baby Jesus is cute but now we must make the most of Christ as we prepare for Resurrection Sunday.

Now is the time to Love God - Love others as Jesus taught and spread the word to one and all. Christmas is all about spreading the Good News of God's gift to the world. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

True Wealth

Wealth is a relative thing and it does not always involve money.
I have noted that some people are enjoying what ever they have and so are wealthy.
Others have much but it is never enough and they do not enjoy it and so they are poor.

People with true wealth have an attitude of gratitude and enjoy life as a blessing.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus let us give thanks and enjoy this Christmas give of life and new life in Christ.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Very Funny Ads

I came across a web site for some very funny TV ads from all over the world.
Some European ads are a bit one the edge?

