Saturday, October 30, 2010

Political Reflections

The past two years that I have been Mayor of the City of Bellemeade Kentucky have been an interesting learning process for me. As a pastor I learned a long time ago that I can not please everyone and that is even truer in the political arena. Too much for some citizens is not enough for others.
On Tuesday we vote for people to fill OUR government positions. It always has been a messy process. There was vote buying in Athens and that has not changed. Even when candidates are trying to be civil special interest groups often put out scare us ads that most of the time are out and out lies.
Sorting through it all takes effort but for the sake of the country that is what we need to do on Tuesday. The MOST important thing is for each of us to actually get to the polls and VOTE!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Supporting Heroes

As a volunteer Fire Chaplain for Lyndon Fire District I traveled to Independence Kentucky for a seminar for Emergency Service Chaplains. On Tuesday Police, Fire and EMS Chaplains gathered for this all day seminar presented by an organization called “Supporting Heroes” whose aim is to provide instant support for families when someone dies in the line of duty.

It often takes months and even years for insurance and government payments to kick in. Supporting Heroes provides an immediate check for $3000.00 and an experienced planning team to help sort through the process and make sure that the needs of the family come first. Most of the team are people who suffered the same Line of Duty Death in their own family.

They also help the departments involved render proper honors while respecting the wishes of the families.

If you want more information check out their web site at
 Cloud Nine

Monday, October 25, 2010

Reshaping God's Commands

How easy it is for us to slip into our own way of applying the words of Jesus. So many people read into scripture what they want it to say and ignore what it really says.
Many are the examples of people who do evil and rationalize the blame on someone else. It is an old story and a new one every day. Some one else sins are worse than mine so I am ok. We must think we are going to be graded on the curve so we point out everyone else.
Life is all about our own journey through it. If we fill it with love, forgiveness and blessing then that is what we will have. Today I need to be a blessing for others, to love others and to help others. I practice random acts of kindness and focused love. There is no room for hate.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lurid Temptations

A woman came to  my church office seeking counseling to overcome a certain temptation. It was one of those lurid temptations that so many people have from time to time. She had never acted on the temptation but was bothered that she even had it and that it was making her crazy in her fantasy.
We talked for a while and as she began to leave she turned and said, "This has helped me a lot and what has been the most helpful is that you don’t despise me for what I told you about my self."
All of us sin and I know that. My sin and her sin may have been about different thoughts and actions but sin is sin and is all the same. Sin is what ever separates us from a loving relationship with God. She felt forgiveness from God for her sin that day and so did I. 
Cloud Nine