All of the congregations I have served over the past forty years have participated in Christian Food Pantry programs for the poor. In one church the vacation bible school always had a food collection. On the last day all the children were to bring a can of food as part of their offering.
One little girl brought up a large can with a white label and with a smile placed it in the basket. She was from a very poor family so after the final program was over I discreetly looked for that white can. It was “Commodity food” from a government food surplus program. I realized that her family shared from their meager pantry to help those in the same condition.
It has been over thirty years since that day and I still remember that little girls sacrifice. On top of that she or her family had no way of knowing that we had selected them to be among the families chosen to receive the food. I was inspired to be more generous with my meager possessions and blessings.
Be generous in feeding the poor through your church.