Saturday, May 14, 2011

Historia means Inquiry

I love History and the lessons we can learn from the past events and people in human history. The Greek word στορία - historia, meaning "inquiry,” or knowledge acquired by investigation. The fifth century Greek writer Herodotus is considered to be the father of history because his book on the Greek wars with Persia was called “Historia.”  It was an inquiry into the reasons for the war and its execution.

Inquiry is exactly what I love to do. Ask questions of why, how, when, what, and results. For too many people history is a class they had to endure in High School and memorizing names and dates long enough to pass the test. For me it was exciting to not only read the text book but to research in the library for more information. Those people had a story to tell and I loved the stories. I still do!

One of my favorite quotes is, “If you don’t learn from history you are domed to repeat it.”

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Those Little Graces

We live in a fast paced world and sometimes we have our cellphones glued to our ears while watching TV or even [groan] while driving. Every day we are bombarded with many facts, questions and appeals that force us to make quick decisions we later wish we had not made.

Our time is the cash of our life and we need to be aware of how we spend it. How much of our time is spent focused on things that sap our energy and crush our spirit? Is it any wonder then that we miss the many little graces that come our way every day?

What little graces go unnoticed? The laughter of a child is a little grace. The awesome vivid color of a rose in the garden is a little grace. The cool breeze of the evening after a hot day is a little grace. The sound of a babbling brook and the song of a robin are little graces. Silence is a little grace.

Little Graces can escape us when we are too busy to stop and take a second look. Today and every day take the time to enjoy your Little Graces as gifts from God.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The High Price of Gas???

You Think A Gallon Of Gas Is Expensive?
This gives one pause, and puts things in perspective.

Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 …………….. $10.32 per gallon
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 …………… $ 9.52 per gallon
Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 …………………. $10.17 per gallon
Ocean Spray Juice 16 oz $1.25 ………  $10 .00 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ………………. $33.60 per gallon
Vick’s Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 ………………. $178.13 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 ………………. $123.20 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 …………………… $25.42 per gallon
Scope Mouthwash 1.5 oz $0.99 ………. $84.48 per gallon
and the REAL KICKER?
Evian Water 9 oz $1.49 ………………… $21.19 per gallon.
$21.19 FOR WATER!
….and the buyers don’t even know the source.

So, whenever you’re at the gas station, be glad your
car doesn’t run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, or
worse yet, PEPTO BISMOL or NYQUIL!!!!

Just a little humor to help ease the pain
of your next trip to the pump………..!