Saturday, January 23, 2010

Raising Children

Most people raise their children one day at a time not really thinking very far ahead. Parents we need to think about the future when those children leave the nest.
Keep your perspective. Babies come into the world and they are the focus of attention everything has to be done for them but that doesn’t last long. Our goal as parents is to raise them to be independent adults. Then we are surprised when that is what they want to be, how-be-it about five years before we are ready for it.
Big Grin
Early on set the example for what you dream for them in their adult future. They will copy you. If you are a loving devoted married couple treating one another with respect, the will copy you. If you hold the law in high regard so will they. If you words are civil and positive theirs will be too.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Natural Disasters

I have been thinking about the earthquake in Haiti and other natural disasters around the world. Several religious and radio personalities, whom I shall not name, have stated that Haiti is being punished by God for their sins. These kinds of statements are nothing new with these people who are just being cruel. These same people said the same thing about New Orleans and Katrina. What about all the good people who live in the same areas?
All through history every religion has had to deal with the issue of terrible things happening either by nature or by other humans. The whole book of Job deals with why do bad things happen to good people. Earthquakes happen for natural reasons and so do typhoons and tornadoes. I believe it is wrong to blame God or the sins of some of the people who live in those places.

Chin What do you think?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Argue With God???

I thought I must be a terrible person. I had clearly heard God’s call to preach the Gospel and I was arguing with God about why I was the wrong man for the job. I talked to my pastor about it and he referred me to the book of Exodus where God called to Moses out of a burning bush.
To my shock Moses had also argued with God giving God all kinds of excuses for why he was the wrong man to send. I guess people never change. Like Moses I knew that I was not a perfect person, not good enough to be a servant of God. I had some bad habits thought that no one would want to hear me speak. I was wrong I forgot that God would supply His power for my weakness if I turned them over to Him.
God was not asking me to be a perfect servant. God was asking me to be a willing servant. When I finally said yes to God the Holy Spirit came upon me and gave me all that I would ever need for ministry. That was over 40 years ago. God is still calling people who are not perfect to be holy servants in spite of our weaknesses and failures. Be willing and available.