Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spiritual Strokes

A member of a church I served had a light stroke that affected his ability to write. His ability to think was just fine but he could not even write his own name and it was frustrating. His therapist said that he would need to start all over re-training his mind to write letters and then words. So like a child in grade school with a “Big Chief” pad and pencil he began to practice letters one at a time. By and by he learned to write his name all over again. His wife said his penmanship improved dramatically with all that practice.   
There are times when we suffer spiritual strokes and forget how to pray. The words just don’t come to us and we feel a loss of an ability that we once held dear. When that happens to us, we must not give up but begin again with practice as we did as a child. The use of simple prayers practiced allows us to regain the faith connection that once gave us strength and joy. God will heal us and deal with our frustrations.

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Official

Yesterday I filed my papers to become an official candidate for re-elections as mayor of the city of Bellemeade Kentucky.

This morning I found this on the city web site:

"I was so glad to receive the word today that out current mayor, Dr. Larry Lea Odom-Groh, has officially filed as a candidate for re-election in the Novemebr election.  Larry has served out city extremely well  in the two years (+/-) that he has been our mayor.  For that, I thank him.  For offering his service for four years, I applaud him.

Dr. Odom-Groh and I have not always seen eye to eye on some maters, but we have been in accord on having the best interests of the citizens of Belllemeade at heart.  It was very reassuring to have seen Larry looking out for us as he kept on top of the Shelbyhurst project.  Also,  he and Commissioner Brian Hill have put up speed hump and stop signs themselves to save us money.  He conducts commission meetings with professional dignity.

He deserves to be re-elected and we deserve a mayor that puts the personal touch on the position as he does.  Good look Larry and thanks for your service!"

It is nice to have that kind of endorsement. Big Grin

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

True Gratification

We are a society of instant gratification. Almost anything you want comes in some kind of instant form: coffee, tea, breakfast, and much more.
A deep and abiding spiritual life is not an instant reality.  Although salvation may come in a flash of recognition, a spiritual relationship comes with self-discipline. Insights are wonderful and often seem to come suddenly, but they actually come only after a long search.

Proverbs 19:27 states: "When you stop learning, you will soon neglect what you already know."So it is in our spiritual lives. When we stop seeking the spirit of God within us, we neglect the development of our own spirits and begin to atrophy.
Happy Yes
Spiritual growth is a constant endeavor to be enjoyed on a daily basis. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

On The Rocks

In psalm 62 David described himself as a rickety fence and a leaning wall about to collapse.
There have been some times that I have felt that way too. David was a sinner and he k new it. Because of his sins he faced many troubles, fears and a lot of pain. I can note that David was not hiding from these things but faced the head on.  His paslms are full of examples and the way he dealt with them.
Rather than crawling under a rock in shame and disgrace David stood up on the rock of faith and met every challenge. We can too.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Christian Clothes

Christians are called on to put on spiritual clothes. These are different from the cloth that hides our bodies from the sun and peeps.
Our spiritual clothes are distinctive garments of comassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Cloud Nine
Much like the cloth that drapes our skin our spiritual clothes must be chosen and put on so that we can step out into the world with confidence that we are happy to meet others in the name of Jesus.