Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Dear Mother

I have been thinking about my recent visit with my mother in Texas. She has changed since I was with her for her 90th birthday last spring. It is a very noticeable change and not for the better. Many mini strokes over the years had already robbed her of the ability to make new memories but she always knew who I was and was with the moment.

This past year she broke her hip and spent time in the hospital and has been in decline ever since. She looks very frail and is no longer in the moment or knows who I am. We just go with the flow of her conversation of what ever moment she is in and enjoy being with her. I am so thankful for the care my sister Jeannie gives her.

My mother was always a rock of faith and love for me and my siblings. Because of her I am the man I am today able to live and be at peace with God. I know that her great faith is still with her and even though she is nearing the last of her days with us that she will be in the arms of God forever. I am at peace with that and honor her life as a woman of Proverbs 31.

I love you mom.


  1. I hope she remains comfortable and can continue to find joy in her remaining days.


  2. She is and getting great care. Lots of TLC

  3. I think sometimes it's because they see that glimpse into Heaven, and all that awaits them that they don't want to have to look back.
    Being with all my loved ones in their last days they told of visions, and spoke with ones that had gone on. My aunt,just hours before she past seen my father standing beside me. He died on my 7th birthday. She turned and asked me that if there was anything I would like to say to him now would be a good time. I was in shock at the time...but now I have long sinced wish I would have turned and told him how much I loved him, and had missed him in my life.
    I know Grandma Groh is cradled in the arms of God.
    Love to you Larry and Melanie..
    Garland and Sandy
