Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dorrie / Westy

My darling daughters were both on a blogging site called journalspace and I enjoyed reading their creative writings. I also became interested in posting my thoughts and signed up on the site myself. What I did not know at the time was that I signed up not only as a place to write but became part of a unique community.

I made a lot of friends fast and one of the first to respond to me was a woman whose pen name was “Westy” who is Dorrie Van Cleef. She lives in Germany and is such an interesting writer with a creative talent for blog designs. She offered to design two for me this one and my archaeology site called “Digging in the Dirt.”

Dorrie was the heart of the journalspace community always encouraging and inventing thing like the JS secret santa and the ledgen of the furries. She kept a log of  everyone on JS and encourage us. When the journalspace site crashed and could not be reborn it was Dorrie who kept us all in contact even though we were now blogging on different sites. When I set up this site my blog design was ho hum and Dorrie said she still had my JS designs on file and reset them on blogger. I love these “Westy Designs” and think of her every time I post here.

Today our JS friend Westy/Dorrie is recovering from an airplane crash and is in a coma in a German hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with her as she heals  


  1. Westy & I shared a lot in common in life and got along naturally as a result. I have already written about our 3D time together in Scotland (a result of yet another internet 'group'). But like many others, we had a behind the scenes back & forth on many subjects, such as when she began cruising. Our thoughts are very much with her and her loved ones today. fin

  2. I, too, am praying for the recovery of our dear Westy. Get well soon. {{{HUGS}}}
