My darling and I recently celebrated out thirty-fifth
anniversary. I usually give her some jewelry but this year she said that has
too much of that and that she didn't want anything. Well she always says she
doesn't want a present but I always do get her one. This year she was insistent
that she has quiet enough baubles to take care of.
She has been talking about getting a food processor for some
time but has never gotten around to spending the money to purchase one. With
that in mind this year I went shopping for a food processor, even though I
don’t like giving appliances as an anniversary gift. I found the best Cuisinart
food processor available. She was delighted, though chiding me for spending
that kind of money on her. I truly love this woman!
Now she is having a ball using the processor and I guess I
could not have picked a better gift this year. I may get to use it too.
And you can be the beneficiary of whatever she cooks. There's YOUR anniversary present. :)
You are so right