It is human nature to see things as either -or as in it is either right or it is wrong.
The Christian faith is full of paradoxes of two statements that seem to be opposites and yet both are true. In a paradox two statements must be held in tension for us to see the truth in them.
The Apostle Paul would say that Salvation is a free gift of God and then he would tell us to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling. What on earth does he mean? Salvation is a free gift of the grace of God but as with any gift there are two parts in the mix. One gives a gift and the other receives the gift. What we have to work out is the receiving end of the deal. Some people have great difficulty accepting a gift.
There is an excitement in Christian living when we experience the tension of this paradox.
And that is why it is so important to have our Bibles open every single day and be studying. =)