Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Youth Sunday Evidence

I once served as a Pastor for a Christian Church in Texas with an interesting youth group. Once a year they held “Youth Sunday” where they did everything in the service. Usually, but not always, the youth group simply followed the regular order of worship. One year they went a little crazy.

In school the seniors had been studying Roman history and modern day legal systems. This juxtaposition created an idea for Youth Sunday. They became very secretive about their plan though I was in on it. They recruited some of their school friends to help and the results were memorable.

On Youth Sunday the congregation arrived to discover “Roman Solders” Standing guard at all the doors, except the alley door. Our youth group members quietly ushered everyone to enter the catacombs via the alley door. The fellowship hall had been decorated like Roman underground tombs.  That is where they were worshiping when the Roman guard burst in and arrested everyone.

As Pastor I escaped but the board chair and one elder was put on trial for being a “Christian” and therefore a traitor to the government. The elder was found guilty and ordered to be hung on a flaming cross. The pompous board chair was acquitted for a lack of evidence.

If you were accused in court of being a Christian would you be convicted?

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