Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Best Christmas Present

My personal all time best Christmas Present came in 1972. At one minute before midnight my youngest darling Daughter Laura Lea - known to some here as Lola - was born. Now that was an exciting Christmas Eve.
She is visiting now and I am a very happy daddy for she is a gift that keeps on giving.Cloud Nine


  1. HI Larry! I had a wonderful Christmas present this year. Nothing like a baby daughter, lol,
    I finally sort of got it about relationships,~ and in addition, I got a Peyton Manning Christmas Ornament from Ricardo. Now that sounds meaningless, but not to me. He knows what I love, shares that interest, and shops for ME!
    That is a miracle!
    Hope you had a wonderful one too!

  2. What a sweet post and Christmas memory! I didn't know you were here posting again!

  3. Hi Paula good to hear from you again.

    Nancy I have some friends here who don't want to go to my other site. Drama problems. So I am posting on both places. Thanks for keeping your game page up I use it every day
