Monday, December 27, 2010

A Muslim Christmas

Some years ago the church I pastored sponsored a refugee from Sudan. She had been involved in teaching people with disabilities their rights. She had been imprisoned several times and the third time would mean death so she fled her country.

Even though she is a Muslim she attended our church services and even worked in the church nursery. Her first Christmas with us she gave me a Christmas present because Muslims honor Jesus as a prophet. That was a break through for some of our members who were uncomfortable helping a Muslim after 9/11.  I was looking at that gift the other day remembering her progress following her arrival in Louisville. She is now a citizen, a graduate of Sullivan University and a teacher.  


  1. Glad to hear she's adapted so well. Still, with all the conflict in the world today, often involving Muslims, I can understand an initial waryness when meeting a Muslim. The challenge is not to run away, but to embrace.

  2. If I am not mistaken (and hopefully you would tell me if I was), Jesus is mentioned more often in the Koran than in the Bible. Also, so is the Virgin Mary.

    I am not wary of a Muslim but I am wary of Islam. Until it learns to control its darker side, it will continue to be a problem.

  3. You are mistaken about Jesus being mentioned more in the Koran but not Mary.

    Most religions need to learn to control their darker side. It is not easy to do when men have radical political views couched in religious wrappings.
