Friday, March 25, 2011

Always Seeking Understanding

I love the Bible and it has been my passion for the past forty plus years to study and seek a greater understanding of its content. This passion has driven me to study the history and archaeology of the bible lands, the language and politics of its peoples. It is a constant effort to keep up with new scholarship regarding the scriptures and its people. It seems that every year archaeologist and historical scholars uncover new and exciting information.

The bible looks like a single book however it is a whole library of books written by different authors in at least two languages over a period of some four thousand years.  I love to pull a book off the shelf so to speak and delve into it and learn all that I can. I ask questions like who wrote this, when, in what language, to whom, and what was going on in the world at the time? Of course the big question is why was this written?

I always start my Bible study with a prayer. “God there is something about this book I do not know, open my mind to understanding and your wisdom.”

I have been teaching my version of through the Bible in a year course for over forty years. I call it my Basic Bible Study and I just finished my latest two classes at Hurstbourne Christian Church in Louisville. Each time I teach this course I learn more than my students. For me it is an awesome experience and I love it. I have been teaching an on line version for about ten years to students all over the world.

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