Human beings often fail to live up to their most important
ideals. The failure to realize ideals is often a mixture of apathy, baseness,
cynicism, self-interest and ego. Even in our increasingly secular culture there
is a conscious desire for people to find a spiritual dimension to their lives.
Early Christians were first called the “People of the Way.” Christians are in
essence members of a community of faith who follow a definite and certain path
of the way of Jesus the Messiah. Church traditions sadly sometimes confuse the
issues of following the way of Christ faithfully.
We say amen when something we see or hear confirms our own
impression. We also become agitated or furious when something we hear is out of
kilter with our personal beliefs. What are the truly basic beliefs of the
Christian faith? There is a sense of beauty in the ideals of the total
commitment and submission to God, the ideal Christian community, justice and
It is sad that these same ideas are frequently corrupted to
justify and legitimize the authoritarian and even brutal actions of people who
contend that they are right. We must not confuse the ideal of the Christian
faith with its misuse and abuse by people with political or power issues. This
problem is not unique to Christianity as other religions are also hurt by mean
spirited, power hungry; ego centric people who miss apply the tenets of our
faith to their own perverted needs.
We as individual Christians must focus on what the Gospels
teach us and seek to truly be people of the way of Jesus. We are each capable
of focusing our lives on the teachings of Jesus first and saying AMEN to
following those teachings. The way of Jesus was never easy for Jesus calls us
to a different way of living than the way of the world. Say amen [ may it be
so] and be a follower of the Way of Jesus.
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