Galations 3:26-29 “For in Christ Jesus you are all
children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have
clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no
longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are
one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s
offspring, heirs according to the promise.”
wrote to the Christian Churches in Galatia that there is in the Body
of Christ, which is the church, equality between members. We are all one as no
soul is more precious than another to God. Sadly some people have not always
followed this teaching of equality in the church. Some groups have said that women are not equal to men. In the Christian Church we do
seek this equality in ministry in the name of Jesus. We seek equal commitment
from every member and friend of the congregation. We seek an equal partnership
in ministry. We seek equal sacrifice of our time, our talent, and our
Some might say, “I can’t give as much as to the church as
another does.” That is not the equality
that we seek when we ask you to decide how much you will give to God through the
Christian Church. God has already answered that question about equality in
giving through the tithe. It is not a set dollar amount but a set percent of
income. The tithe is 10% no matter how much you earn and is therefore equal.
many children I was taught by my mother about stewardship. When my allowance
was a dollar she would tell me that ten cents belonged to God, ten cents
belonged to my savings bank and eighty cents belonged in my pocket. I could do
anything I wanted with the eighty cents. That is still a great budget strategy
today no matter how large or small our income. 10% for God, 10% for savings and
80% is mine to do with as I need.
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